Borrowing a line from Led Zeppelin’s classic Stairway to Heaven (and adjusting it for options) we’re setting up premium selling strategy in GLD.
Borrowing a line from Led Zeppelin’s classic Stairway to Heaven (and adjusting it for options) we’re setting up premium selling strategy in GLD.
come on Gordon Gold aint goin anywhere near that 106
Well that’s great Todd, a trade on gold just before Christmas when my wife officially announced today that if I get her chocolate diamonds again this year that divorce is imminent So now I have to buy that gold necklace and pendant she wants so if I take the trade and GLD goes to 106 it’s a all around win situation. Dude your a live saver, but if GLD goes to 110 then please send me a bottle of your best Bourbon from the Distillery. Well.. either way it goes you can still send a bottle. Thanks.