Live Example: The Dick Diamond Method Of Trading
By Elliott Wave International June 3rd, 2019
Hi ya Trader, we’re getting pretty excited about the upcoming webinar, The Dick Diamond Method of Trading for a Living. I was approached by Elliott Wave International to help spread the word about this exciting new course from a legendary trader. Being that my roots in trading were on the short-term timeframes, I was happy to re-live my past and see what this course entails. I’ve been studying the lessons and I love what I see from Dick and instructor Vadim Pokhlebkin. Here’s a quick video about my progress including a live trade with REAL capital using the setup. There’s only some much I can show you here so be sure to join us Wednesday night for full details. -TG-

If I attend will this be available to me by download or link?
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Sick! Just acquired a brand-new Pearl and I can now read your blog on my phone’s browser, it didn’t do the job on my previous 1.