EWAVES Live: A Breakthrough Pattern Recognition Engine for Professional Traders & Investors
Analyze, rank and scan markets for trading setups with the world’s only genuine Elliott wave engine.
EWAVES is the highest-quality Elliott wave engine in the world. The software utilizes cutting-edge algorithms to detect and analyze Elliott wave patterns, helping you make informed decisions based on well-established market principles.
Price: $7100/year
MotiveWave® Software: Lifetime License
TradingAnalysis Edition
Get my go-to software that is saving at least 2 hours per day / 14 hours per week in charting.
⚡ Version 6 – Now Available
Automate your Elliott Wave logic with MotiveWave. This software dramatically shortens the learning curve of Elliott Wave allowing you to become a more efficient and effective trader. Add the Repository to your order to utilize cutting edge technology that allows you to follow my real-time charts.
Premier Software: TradingAnalysis Recommended
Price: $2295
(Lifetime License)

Here's What's New In MotiveWave Version 6!
Version 6 Updates:
- Cloud Workspaces (Real-Time Expert Analysis on Your Own Workspace)
- Advanced DOM
- Custom Watch List Columns
- Gauges
- Additional Components
- Much More!

MotiveWave® Mastery Course
Learn The Secrets of MotiveWave’s #1 Power User and Fast-Track Your Analysis Today!
With our MotiveWave™ Mastery course, you will join Todd and Terry as they guide you through their exact setup inside their own MotiveWave accounts to stay ahead of the markets and gain an edge on the competition.
Whether you are new to MotiveWave™ or an experienced user, the MotiveWave™ Mastery course will show you how to take advantage of the power of MotiveWave™ and show you how to set up and use your workspace with maximum efficiency.
Software Training: Produced by TradingAnalysis
Price: $199
(One-Time Fee)
MotiveWave® Repository
Get instant access to our trading analysis charts inside your MotiveWave workspace, updated in real-time.
If you are already a MotiveWave customer, let me first say, “Congratulations!” You are using one of the most powerful charting platforms that puts Elliott Wave Theory to work for you.
But what if you could connect your workspace to an expert Trader’s workspace? You would then have instantaneous access to Elliott Wave analysis updated on your charts on your workspace, in real-time.
Well, guess what! You can have it right now. Now, you can unlock even more power in your MotiveWave today.
Premier Software Add-On: Produced by TradingAnalysis